Intentional Poisoning: Aspartame

Every parent’s priority is the health and well being of their children. The thought of a child being fed poison makes us close our eyes, breathe deeply, and remind ourselves that our children are safe and healthy. As our heart beats faster, the horror of such a scenario haunts our consciousness. I can’t imagine such a thing happening, we think to ourselves. Yet, sadly, it happens every day. In fact, it happens to every child – yes, even your child. It happens to every child, every adolescent, and every adult. Consumers are unintentionally poisoning themselves, their family, and their children every day.
Ours is a “health-conscious” society. Or is it? The health and fitness industry is skyrocketing as our fear of fat grows. We want thin, lean bodies. We want no-fat menus and products. We want sugar-free treats. We want low-calorie choices. We limit the amount of fat and sugar we eat, and we do the same for our kids and family. But our desire for sweet things has not diminished, and we trust that every product on the market is safe. So, we buy low-fat treats and sugar-free goodies. Watching our calorie and sugar intake, we drink diet sodas (just one calorie!) and give the kids sugar-free Kool-Aid. Sugar-free gum is just as sweet as regular gum, and “diet” foods are a tasty alternative to their “sugary” counterparts. These sugar-free products all contain aspartame, commonly known as NutriSweet or Equal. They are poisoning us, and they are poisoning our children.
The soldiers stationed in the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm were “treated” to diet soda – several thousand pallets of it! For the soldiers, the diet was seen as a refreshing alternative to water, and in the 120F temperatures, the sodas were consumed heavily throughout the day. Many of the soldiers from Desert Storm are now experiencing medical problems. Of course, doctors seem perplexed at their condition, and there is no consensus as to what is causing their health conditions. Victims of Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) suffer debilitating or life-threatening conditions such as chronic fatigue, memory and speech problems, depression, anxiety, migraines, vision loss, insomnia, and many others. Toxic chemicals, such as pesticides and biological warfare, have been considered, as have experimental, non-approved drugs given to the troops. It is clear that the troops were exposed to a tornado of chemicals during their stay in the Gulf, and these issues cannot be overlooked. Yet, as we look further into the situation, we have another substance to add to the list of possible toxins that are causing the GWS complications: aspartame.
In 1965, G.D. Searle’s scientist James Schlatter accidentally dripped a bit of a chemical he was synthesizing onto the outside of his working flask, contaminating his fingers. Schlatter, who was searching for an ulcer drug, later licked his fingers to pick up a piece of paper and found that it was extremely sweet. Industry studies began in 1970 and plans to market the chemical were underway, giving birth to a whirlwind of corruption and confusion that has surrounded the product until today. It was approved by the FDA in 1981. Aspartame is a common additive in diet sodas, sugar-free drinks and foods, vitamins, chewing gum, and baked goods. Commonly known as NutriSweet or Equal, this sugar-substitute is 180 times sweeter than sugar and is available for use to over 100 million people worldwide. As more people are beginning to see detrimental effects of aspartame, the concern over the chemical rises and pressure to take it off the market builds.
Aspartame has a long history of tainted politics and science, corruption, and dishonesty. Searle’s studies found aspartame to be a risky chemical at best. It was found to be neurotoxic in infant mice. Monkeys suffered grand mal seizures while on aspartame. Aspartic acid was shown to cause holes in the brains of animals that consumed it. Rats developed brain tumors. Searle, however, presented documented studies to the FDA showing that aspartame is harmless. Meanwhile, independent scientists found Searle’s studies to be less than scientifically sound and honest, and important negative information was deleted or changed. Yet in 1981, the Ronald Reagan-appointed FDA Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes Jr., approved aspartame for use in dry foods, overruling the hazards posed by the FDA’s Public Board of Inquiry. Shortly after aspartame’s approval, Hayes left the FDA and took a position as a consultant with G.D. Searle’s public relations firm Burston Marsteller. Monsanto, the giant of chemical companies, bought Searle in 1985 and created the NutriSweet Company. In July 1986, the U.S. General Accounting Office announced that five government employees involved in the approval of aspartame took jobs associated with the aspartame industry; in 1987 that number rose to ten.
The industry and industry-supporters continue their propaganda that aspartame is unharmful. However, in 1994 aspartame accounted for more than 75% of the adverse reactions filed with the FDA’s Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (fewer than 1% of victims ever report it to the FDA). Yet the government, politicians, and industry leaders (Monsanto) close their eyes to these realities.
What makes aspartame dangerous?
Aspartame (NutriSweet) is a commercially-prepared chemical composed of aspartic acid (40%), phenylalanine (50%) and methanol (10%). Arguably, all of the ingredients can be found naturally in a variety of foods. Yet, when displaced from their natural environments and companions, these substances are dangerous and harmful.
Methanol (wood alcohol) is a poison. It breaks down into formaldehyde (embalming fluid) in the body and is either stored in fat tissue or converted to formic acid (ant sting poison). Additionally, methanol breaks down rapidly at a temperature of just 86F (daytime temperatures in Arizona reach over 100F). Products such as refrigerated Jell-O, sodas, baked goods, and others are often processed, heated or stored at temperatures above 86F.
Mosbys Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary states that methanol is “a clear, colorless, toxic, liquid distillate of wood miscible with water, alcohol, and ether. It is widely used as a solvent and in the production of formaldehyde. Ingestion of methanol paralyzes the optic nerve and may cause death.” Mosbys Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary is one of the reference materials used by students and professionals in the healthcare field. The systems own learning and reference materials admit that methanol is indeed a toxin, yet the FDA and the American Diabetic Association, as well as many doctors and healthcare professionals, promote the use of aspartame. The system doesn’t need to say that it doesn’t care about the health of humanity – it’s actions speak clearly enough.
Formaldehyde is a carcinogen. It causes retinal damage and birth defects. Formaldehyde is used to preserve dead tissues – like the frog you dissected in science class.
Formic acid (the same thing as the poison from an ant) can accumulate in the brain, kidneys, and spinal fluid. It can increase the amount of acid in the body and lead to cell death.
Phenylalanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found only as a combination of many other amino acids. Phenylalanine occurs in aspartame without its natural companions. The Phenylalanine in aspartame breaks down into DKP, a known tumor agent. Phenylalanine can cause serotonin levels in the brain to decrease, producing emotional disorders such as depression, mood swings, and violent rages. It also lowers seizure thresholds, is seen as a neurotoxin, and is suspected of causing brain tumors.
Aspartic Acid
Like Phenylalanine, aspartic acid is an amino acid found naturally only in combination with other amino acids and is found in aspartame alone. In this form, aspartic acid is a neurotoxin. It has a cumulative effect on the endocrine and reproductive systems, and in excessive amounts will cause overexcitement of brain cells, causing them to be stimulated to death.
Although the aspartame industry (Monsanto) claims that the chemical is one of the “most tested” on the market and presents no health concerns to consumers, almost all independent studies (not funded by or associated with the aspartame companies) show that aspartame can cause serious health problems. The FDA, despite the thousands of complaints about this deadly chemical, despite the research showing its detrimental effects, and despite its own scientists questioning its position in the market, refuses to do further testing, insisting that it is a safe food product.
The American Diabetic Association promotes the use of aspartame as a replacement for sugar for people with diabetes. Despite hoards of reports of diabetic complications associated with aspartame usage (increased insulin requirements, uncontrolled blood sugar, hospitalizations, retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy), the ADA continues its support of the sweetener. The ADA’s official statement reads: “The American Diabetic Association considers aspartame – as well as the other FDA-approved nonnutritive sweeteners saccharin, acesulfame k, and sucralose – acceptable sugar substitutes and a safe part of a diabetic meal plan.” Monsanto (producers of NutriSweet) is listed as a Platinum Corporate Sponsor of the ADA, donating at least $250,000 a year. Monsanto, the ADA, the FDA, and many others in the “healthcare” industry are knowingly encouraging the consumption of a slow-acting poison. The health and well-being of individuals is, however, a consideration in their marketing plan, but not in the ways they’d like you to believe. As consumers ingest the poison and their health deteriorates, they run to the hospital and ultimately to the pharmacy (Monsanto and Searle also produce pharmaceuticals). As diabetes worsens, more money is invested in treatments and organizations such as the ADA (who is also funded by Monsanto).
The system sees only dollars, and they will take your money at the grocery checkout, at the pharmacy, and at your funeral. This is part of their marketing plan, and the government agencies that are there to “protect” are actually holding the doors of death open. The evidence of aspartame and its poisonous effects is available for those who choose to look. Of course, the FDA, ADA, and other Monsanto-funded organizations continue to promote the safety of the sweetener. Aspartame is a million-dollar-product and can be found in breath mints, cereals, gum, coffee, frozen desserts, juice beverages, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, supplements, soft drinks, tea, wine coolers, yogurt, and many other products. Every diet drink you drink adds deadly toxins to your system. The corruption and politics surrounding aspartame is allowing people all over the world to blindly poison themselves. Most consumers put their trust in the FDA to safely and honestly regulate foods and additives that are on the market today.
Do the research and decide for yourself. You may find that the FDA, who is supposed to protect Americans from dangerous chemicals and foodstuffs, may just be doing the opposite. Aspartame has accounted for more than 75% of all adverse reactions reported to the FDA. Fewer than one percent of those who have problems with a product ever report it. Some reactions reported to the FDA are: Abdominal Pain, Anxiety Attacks, Arthritis. Asthma, Birth Defects, Brain Cancer, Burning urination, Chest Pain Coma, Cough, Chronic Fatigue, Confusion ,Death, Depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Edema, Excessive Thirst/Hunger, Fatigue, Hair Loss, Hearing Loss, Headaches, Hives, Hyperglycemia, Hypertension, Hypoglycemia, Impotency, Insomnia, Irritability, Itching, Joint Pain, Marked Personality Changes, Memory Loss, Menstrual Problems, Migraines, Muscle Spasms, Nausea, Numbness, Rash, Seizures, Tremors, Vision Loss, Weight Gain
Published by Rachel Naba
Initiate in Traditional African Mystery Schools, African herbalist, graphic designer, videographer, writer, researcher View profile